What Workshops? THIS ONE!

From Monica…

We are SO LUCKY to have my teacher, mentor and friend Kocassale Dioubate and his partner & my friend Sasha Belle Hunt returning to the Comox Valley for a FULL WEEKEND of West African hand drumming and dance workshops!

PLEASE mark your calendars and pre-register to hold your spot! These weekends with Koca and Sasha tend to fill up quickly!!!

Details on the poster below, but here they are as well:

When: Nov 2 – 4 , 2018

Where: Royston Community Hall, at the lights in Royston

How much:  $20/class

                     $35 for 2 classes

                     $15/class for 3 or more

(so even if you did the WHOLE WEEKEND, it would still only be $135! WHAT A DEAL!!!)

Workshop details:

Friday Nov 2

Beginner Djembe 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Advance Djembe 7:15 – 8:45 pm

Saturday Nov 3 

Beginner Djembe 10:30 am – 12:00 noon

(lunch break)

Advanced Djembe 1:00 – 2:30 pm

Doundoun, Sangba, Kenkeni (intermediate/advanced) 2:45 – 4:15 pm

Dance  with  Sasha: 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Sunday Nov 4

Beginner Djembe + Intro to duns for beginners: 10:30 – 12 noon 

Lunch break 

Mixed Class Advanced Djembe & Doundouns: 12:30 pm – 2:00 

Dance  with Koca: 2:15 – 3:45

Koca would like you to know that he will be teaching “Guinean-style”, which means that all levels are welcome at all classes – despite the fact that they are labelled as “beginner” and “intermediate” or “advanced”. He will be teaching as if you were with him in Guinea, at one of their “learning retreats” — so this is like a seed being planted for 2020 when you can all consider making the trip (with me!) to learn in Africa! Please note, however, that those who are beginners attending more advanced classes will be expected to keep up as best as you can, and that you will be given easier parts 😉

Payment in advance is necessary to hold your spot. Please contact me at  for details on this and for any other information you may need! 

Dancers especially: bring comfortable clothes (layers you can peel off LOL!) and water!

I am so excited to be hosting Koca and Sasha again and look forward to seeing many of you there — you are all encouraged to take advantage of a rare opportunity to learn from a Master Djembefola (and Griot to boot! — storytelling & song will likely be on the agenda!) right here in our backyard! 


Click here for the Royston 2018 poster