Buckets, Buckets, Buckets!

Hello everyone!

Buckets are becoming very popular! I am offering a session of Bucket Drumming for brand new bucketeers from November 7 through December 19th. This 7 class session will serve as a way for “newbies” to learn the basics without being thrown into the advanced class without the benefit of having had a beginners class behind them!  At some point, the two groups will likely merge: but in the meantime, let’s have some fun at our respective, appropriate levels!

Classes will be Wednesdays from 12 noon – 1 pm! Location: Royston Community Hall. Please round up some friends! This class will only run if there are enough participants! 

Drumming is so great for the brain! Come out and see why you feel energized, balanced and full of smiles after a bucket drumming session! So accessible, all you need to bring is a bucket of any size (from bathroom-sized garbage cans to yard-sized, and anywhere in between!)……

And if you need more incentive?:
